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The ASPAYM Castilla y León Foundation began operating in 2004, twelve years after ASPAYM was founded in the region of Castilla y León, Spain.

Its main objectives are to promote autonomy, equal rights and opportunities and improve the quality of life of people with physical disabilities, allowing them a meaningful integration into society. In addition, ASPAYM CyL seeks to be a leading association, providing its target users with the tools to achieve that mission. This goal is achieved through the quality of its programs and activities, research and the appropriate use of new technologies.

ASPAYM CyL has a youth department focused on activities with young people. This department is an active member of the Regional Regional Youth Council of CyL, and it is also a member of the Permanent Youth Council of the Province of Valladolid. We are also part of the network of youth information points in the province of Valladolid, which makes ASPAYM the only youth organization with the diversity level that complies with all of the above.

The youth department of ASPAYM CyL develops a multitude of activities (advocacy, non-formal education, employment), as well as years of experience and multiple awards. Also the awareness project “Ponte en mis zapatos” (Put yourself in my shoes) is developed, whose main objective is the standardization of disability in schools, community centers, youth organizations, etc. In recent years, the organization has been committed to the use of gamification as a methodology in non-formal education activities. In this sense, ASPAYM CyL has developed board games, video games, escape rooms and manuals based on this technique to work with youngsters, always from an inclusive perspective in order to ensure equal access of young people with disabilities to all available resources.

In addition, within ASPAYM we have a project called JAVACOYA, which was born with the pretension of providing a personalized service to our clients and overcoming the daily challenges set by the market. In addition, it offers a wide range of resources, all of them oriented to optimize and profit, with complete adaptation to your needs, such as accessible website design, web updating or development of custom software.

Universidad Católica de Córdoba

The Catholic University of Cordoba, founded in 1956, was the first private university in the country and is the only one in Argentina entrusted to the Society of Jesus.

The formation of people of science, conscience and commitment constitutes the mission of the University, a mission inspired by the Ignatian ideal of constantly surpassing the standards of excellence. The highest possible academic standards and the integral formation of the person are therefore the pillars of its identity.

It has 12 academic units in all areas of knowledge, which offer undergraduate, postgraduate and technical university degrees. It has developed a vast trajectory in research and social projection.

Universidad Americana

The project began as INCADE (Instituto Superior de Capacitación y Desarrollo Empresarial), constituted on 12 October 1991. Then, in 1994, by National Law No. 403, the Universidad Americana was created.
The mission of the University is to train the best professionals and leaders of Paraguay and the region. Its vision is to be a university of national and international renown, distinguished by its trajectory of raising the level of higher education and cooperating, through representative leadership, in the production, development, application and management of knowledge, aimed at social transformation and the progress of the nation.

The American University is part of the Eleve Group, which is a network of specialised institutions that seeks to democratise access to quality education through technological mediation, applying world-class standards and centres of excellence.

Through this network, it operates with a holistic global vision that allows for a comprehensive education.

The Universidad Americana continues to grow and is committed to the formation of young, innovative leaders with ethical values and social commitment, graduates who stand out for their training in different areas of society.

Don Bosco Center

We are a Salesian educational centre that looks to the future with the responsibility of continuing the pedagogical and charismatic heritage of Don Bosco and with the hope of providing an adequate response to the children and young people of today. We offer vocational training in various professional fields.


Biderbost, Boscan & Rochin, SL (BB&R) is an international consulting company with an outstanding track record in corporate social responsibility in the field of youth. BB&R headquarters are in Salamanca (Spain), university center of excellence in southern Europe. Its staff consists of ten young professionals from various cultures and disciplines. BB&R have carried out projects for different international organisations (European Union, EU-LAC Foundation, InterAmerican Development Bank, United Nation Development Programme, World Bank, International Organization for Migration), NGOs and government agencies (Spain, Brazil, Norway, Canada, Bulgaria, UK). BB&R seeks to add value by incorporating tools and strategies that train young people and youth workers with skills for successful integration into the labor market and active civic life. For lifetime achievement, BB&R has been awarded by the Chamber of Commerce of Peru in Spain with the “Award for Best Business Initiative in Spain” (2015).

Gurises Unidos

Since 1989 Gurises Unidos has been a civil society organisation committed to the defence of the human rights of children and adolescents, both nationally and internationally.

In this sense, we focus on contributing to an improvement in the quality of life of children, adolescents, young people, families and communities belonging to the most vulnerable sectors of the population. To this end, we develop various actions based on four lines of work:

  • Advocacy in public policies.
  • Direct attention.
  • Knowledge generation.
  • Awareness raising.

In recent years, Gurises Unidos has strongly developed the line of training for technicians and professionals from all over the country, on various topics related to childhood and adolescence.

Subjects we deal with:

  • Eradication of child labour.
  • Children and adolescents in street situations.
  • Insertion into the formal education system.
  • Training-education and insertion of young people into the labour market.
  • Training for technicians and teachers in the social, education and health areas.
  • Sexual and reproductive education with gender equity.
  • Prevention of and attention to situations of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  • Addressing situations of child abuse.
  • Digital citizenship, access, safe, responsible and productive use of ICTs.
  • Approach to children and adolescents with adult referents deprived of liberty.
  • Adolescent participation – youth leadership.
  • Emotional education.
  • Computational Thinking.
  • Geographical areas of intervention.

Montevideo: Centro-Cordón, Malvín Norte, Manga, Piedras Blancas.
Canelones: Progreso

National outreach through the En Ruta project on Commercial Sexual Exploitation.
Outreach at the international level through the participation of coalitions and regional networks, generating advocacy in the States to incorporate different issues in the public agenda.

Gurises Unidos in the world.

  • Member of the coordinating group of the NNAPES Platform, on the issue of children and adolescents with adult referents deprived of liberty in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Focal point in Uruguay for the International Network ECPAT (network against commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents).
  • Focal point of Consortium for Street Children, on the issue of street children and adolescents.
  • Member of the international network Street Football World, which brings together organisations that work with football as a means of development and social integration.
  • Member of the RIDIACC network (International Network for the Defence of Street Children and Adolescents).